Well, Hello there!
Hello, My name is Brenda. I am very excited to meet you. Welcome to my very first blog post. I am not sure how I feel about this but hey scary things have not stopped me before!
This is why I am here ………….
I have spent the greatest part of my career learning from doctors, therapists, and teachers on how movement encourages learning. Not just academic learning (but that too)!. Moving helps us learn about ourselves, learn about the world around us, and reduces stress. Pretty awesome so far huh.
I have worked in the therapy room, the classroom, tutored groups and individuals, and created a life enrichment program thats foundation was based in movement. I have seen first hand how moving has a positive affect on classroom learning, moods, and lives. NOW I WANT TO SPEND MY TIME LETTING OTHERS BE ABLE SEE FIRST HAND THE JOYS I HAVE BEEN ABLE TO EXPERIENCE.
This is what I plan on sharing……….
I plan to share activities, lessons, and workshops for parents, teachers, leaders, and anyone who wants to add movement to their current situation to help others be the best they can be.
Welcome to my site. I can’t wait for this journey to unfold.
Moving to Learn